

Etiquette in non-assigned offices

Gone are the traditional custom offices for each employee! Companies are now opting for spaces where everyone can work wherever they want, respecting the strictest health standards, while deconfinement is well underway in Canada. Open areas, conference rooms, semi-private rooms and even lounges are being made available to staff. These redesigned offices are perfect for […]



The Quebec economy has been recovering very gradually for a few weeks, but the most recent data released by Statistics Canada indicate that nothing has been gained in terms of employment. A staggering unemployment rate According to figures for the month of April released by Statistics Canada on May 8, 3 million jobs have been […]


Working From Home 101

During this period of the COVID-19 pandemic, where physical distancing is essential, many professionals are discovering teleworking and attempting to tame this new way of accomplishing their tasks. However, this comes with challenges, especially if it lacks structure… and fun. Here are five tips for getting your work done well at home. Create a routine […]


Special COVID-19 – Review of hirings and dismissals – March 2020

The world of work experienced unprecedented upheavals in March due to measures imposed by the federal and provincial governments to limit the spread of COVID-19. Here is an overview of the employment situation in the country. Massive job losses This is now a cliché: the situation is changing rapidly – and the statement also applies […]


When going far away to work gives a boost to your career

Security guard, kitchen help, longshoremen, technical workers, crane operators, waiters… There is no shortage of job openings in Prince Rupert. In this village of 12,000 inhabitants located on the shores of the North Pacific, two hours by boat from Alaska, the port is in an economic boom, to the point that businesses are struggling to […]


Top 20 Good Professional Resolutions for 2020

The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about your good resolutions for 2020. From a personal point of view, losing weight and quitting smoking are classics… But what about your 2020 professional goals? Here are 20 ideas to study. No worries: you don’t have to do everything, but setting two […]


How to Assert Your Personality With a Recruiter

To stand out, skills are not enough – you have to know how to arouse the recruiter’s interest by highlighting your personality. How do you achieve this in a résumé, on social media? Tips. Targeting the required personal qualities Showcasing your personality is a good way of enhancing your candidacy and eliciting a call from […]


When technological innovations transform the golfing world

Beginner or expert, amateur or professional, player or spectator, we can all benefit from the technologies that have revolutionized the golf world in recent years. As in any sport, the athlete’s performance comes not only from his equipment but also in the precision of his stroke. This is why companies invest significant sums in Research […]


How to dress well in the office in summer

Summer temperatures are still bearable, but they will soon climb and provoke the usual headache about dress code among all employees – how do you dress to stay professional without suffocating?  Pay attention to what you reveal In the professional context, one thing is always true: do not show too much. But in summer, there […]


Unplugging During the Holidays – Mission Impossible?

Year after year, studies show that Canadians still struggle to disconnect from work during the holidays. And it’s going from bad to worse, according to a new survey conducted by the Accountemps recruitment firm. Gone are the days when the computer was shut down after having summarily programmed an out-of-office autoreply message. Today, with a […]


Giving Away Your Job Board Business One Click at a Time

In the beginning, job aggregators (called job search engine at that time) were either sued for stealing content ( vs. Cadremploi in 2001) or bought out to avoid their potential disruptive effect on the market of well-established players (Monster buying FlipDog in 2001 after it ranked #5 in less than a year).  A while later, […]

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